0845 450 7500
Your Name
Your Email
Company Address
Post code
Contact Phone
Company Website
Please describe the product(s) for which you are seeking fulfilment:
Please indicate how many unique SKUs you have: (Please include different colour and size variations as separate SKUs)
What is your current storage requirements in CU/FT, SQ/FT or pallets
How will orders be transmitted? (check all that apply)
Electronic Batch File/XMLFTPEmailFaxPostal Mail
Average number of orders per month?
Average order profile – number of SKUs and quantity of each in an average order
Do your orders need packing into cardboard cartons or can they just ship in their existing packaging?
What is your preferred method of shipment? (check all that apply)
How many deliveries will you receive per month?
Please provide any additional information that would affect the scope of your project: